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Essence of Black Fungus Mushroom

RM98.00RM313.60Per Bundle / Box


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Certified Halal MS1500:2009: JAKIM/(S)/(22.00)/492/2/1 014-08/2016

The Essence of Black Fungus Mushroom is made from premium organic Auricularia polytricha (black fungus), known for its rich content of polysaccharides, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. It helps lower cholesterol, reduce blood lipid levels, and support cardiovascular health. Enhanced with organic LingZhi extract, this tonic promotes overall wellness and is carefully crafted using advanced technology. It’s a natural, ready-to-drink product free from fats, cholesterol, preservatives, or additives.

o Regulate Blood Cholesterol Level
o Regulate Blood Lipid Level
o Prevent Constipation
o Improve Bowel Movement
o Detoxification
o Keep Fit & Slim
o Enhance Cardiovascular System


o Organic Auticularia polytricha (black fungus mushroom)
o LingZhi extract
o Brown sugar
o Pandan leaves
o Reverse osmosis water


Adult: 1 bottle, 2 to 3 times per week for a normal person.
Advisable to consume all after open.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.

Target Audience

o Overweight / Obese
o Unhealthy Lifestyle
o Unhealthy Diet
o Constipation
o Vegetarian
o Chronic Diseases Patient*
*Please consult pharmacist/nutritionist

References: 1. Zhao, S., et al., Extraction of a soluble polysaccharide from Auricularia polytricha and evaluation of its anti-hypercholesterolemic effect in rats. Carbohydrate polymers, 2015. 122: p. 39-45. 2. Yang, B.-K., et al., Hypolipidemic effect of an exo-biopolymer produced from the submerged mycelial culture of Auricularia polytricha in rats. Biotechnology Letters, 2002. 24(16): p. 1319-1325. 3. Jiangwei, M., Q. Zengyong, and X. Xia, Optimisation of extraction procedure for black fungus polysaccharides and effect of the polysaccharides on blood lipid and myocardium antioxidant enzymes activities. Carbohydrate polymers, 2011. 84(3): p. 1061-1068.

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